What Is the Best Ecommerce Team Structure?
Growth & CultureWhat Is the Best Ecommerce Team Structure?

To build a brand that lasts, you need to find an ecommerce team structure that enables great collaboration and smooth scaling. In this article, we’ll dive into the essentials of structuring your ecommerce team for maximum efficiency and profit.

Beginner’s Guide to Solution Selling (Definition and Examples)
Growth & CultureBeginner’s Guide to Solution Selling (Definition and Examples)

Solution selling is a customer-centric methodology that can help improve your understanding of customer pain points, develop better sales pitches, and deliver more meaningful solutions to your audience. Learn more about it in this beginner's guide.

53 Key Ecommerce Statistics: Trends, Insights, and Predictions
Growth & Culture53 Key Ecommerce Statistics: Trends, Insights, and Predictions

In this article, we'll cover the most current statistics related to ecommerce. From market share and growth projections to consumer behavior, we'll cover a wide range of data you can use to inform your business or marketing strategy.

How to Improve Ecommerce Customer Experience (11 Ways)
Growth & CultureHow to Improve Ecommerce Customer Experience (11 Ways)

We’ll show you practical ways to improve the customer experience for your ecommerce store so you can get more repeat customers and word-of-mouth referrals.

Customer Acquisition Cost Explained: Strategies for Sustainable Growth
Growth & CultureCustomer Acquisition Cost Explained: Strategies for Sustainable Growth

In this comprehensive guide, we explore what customer acquisition cost (CAC) is, why it’s important, how to calculate it, and strategies to improve it.

21 Ecommerce Best Practices to Boost Your Sales
Growth & Culture21 Ecommerce Best Practices to Boost Your Sales

Implementing effective ecommerce best practices is crucial for driving sales and staying ahead of the competition.

4 Steps Toward Building a Culture That's Aligned with Company Values
Growth & Culture4 Steps Toward Building a Culture That's Aligned with Company Values

Key lessons we've learned at Help Scout about building a values-aligned culture.

Customer Lifetime Value for Ecommerce: The Ultimate Guide
Growth & CultureCustomer Lifetime Value for Ecommerce: The Ultimate Guide

Customer lifetime value (LTV) is one of the essential elements in the world of ecommerce. It measures the total expected revenue from a single customer over the course of their relationship with your brand.

48 Ecommerce Interview Questions for Hiring the Right Team
Growth & Culture48 Ecommerce Interview Questions for Hiring the Right Team

Ask these ecommerce interview questions to find people with technical expertise, marketing acumen, customer-centricity, and a deep understanding of online consumer behavior.

50+ Ecommerce Survey Questions To Ask in 2023
Growth & Culture50+ Ecommerce Survey Questions To Ask in 2023

If you want to start conducting ecommerce surveys, here's a curated list of 50+ questions, divided into different sections. These will help you identify customer pain points, identify new growth opportunities, and more.

29 Ecommerce Tools to Scale Your Business in 2023
Growth & Culture29 Ecommerce Tools to Scale Your Business in 2023

We've curated a list of the top ecommerce tools you need to know about in 2023. These tools have been hand-picked to help you streamline your operations, improve your marketing efforts, enhance customer service, and ultimately, drive more revenue for your business.

30 Key Ecommerce KPIs & Performance Metrics to Track
Growth & Culture30 Key Ecommerce KPIs & Performance Metrics to Track

By tracking key ecommerce metrics and KPIs, you’ll cultivate a thriving business, enhance customer experiences, and propel growth.

Ecommerce Automation: Step by Step Guide for Beginners
Growth & CultureEcommerce Automation: Step by Step Guide for Beginners

By automating various aspects of your online store, you can save time, reduce errors, and scale your business more effectively.

Interviewing at Help Scout: The Insider Perspective
Growth & CultureInterviewing at Help Scout: The Insider Perspective

Are you interview ready? Check out these insights from Help Scout's Customers team to improve planning, sharing, and thoughtful reflection.

10 Practical Ways to Increase Team Productivity
Growth & Culture10 Practical Ways to Increase Team Productivity

Many support managers spend a ton of time trying to increase productivity. By shifting your focus from output to empowerment, you can create more efficiency at work.

Customer Onboarding: Steps, Examples, and Best Practices
Growth & CultureCustomer Onboarding: Steps, Examples, and Best Practices

A detailed guide to creating a customer onboarding process, with best practices to help customers achieve success with your product.

7 Key Customer Experience Metrics, From Basic to Advanced
Growth & Culture7 Key Customer Experience Metrics, From Basic to Advanced

Discover 7 basic, next-level, and intriguing customer experience metrics that will help you measure and improve CX at your company.

Ecommerce Live Chat: Why You Need It + 12 Top Tools
Growth & CultureEcommerce Live Chat: Why You Need It + 12 Top Tools

Live chat increases customer satisfaction and conversions while decreasing cart abandonment. Browse the top 12 ecommerce live chat tools.

Customer Success: What It Means, Why It Matters, and More
Growth & CultureCustomer Success: What It Means, Why It Matters, and More

Customer success boosts lifetime customer value, creates loyal customers, and provides helpful product insights. Here’s how to do it well.

SaaS Customer Success: Key Roles, Strategies, and Tools
Growth & CultureSaaS Customer Success: Key Roles, Strategies, and Tools

One of the best steps any SaaS company can take to improve customer retention is an investment in customer success.

The 8 Best Ecommerce Help Desks On The Market Today
Growth & CultureThe 8 Best Ecommerce Help Desks On The Market Today

Learn why help desk software is essential for your ecommerce business, and consider these eight options to help you deliver great support.

Reducing and Handling Ecommerce Shipping Cost Complaints
Growth & CultureReducing and Handling Ecommerce Shipping Cost Complaints

Shipping costs are a primary cause of ecommerce complaints. Here's what support teams can do to reduce complaints and respond effectively.

DEI at Help Scout: 2021 Update
Growth & CultureDEI at Help Scout: 2021 Update

As we enter fall 2021, we’re excited to share a new post detailing our progress, efforts, and learnings when it comes to DEI at Help Scout.

The 11 Best Ecommerce Customer Service Software Platforms
Growth & CultureThe 11 Best Ecommerce Customer Service Software Platforms

This list of 11 standout ecommerce customer service tools will help you find the perfect tool to improve your company's customer support.

Help Scout’s Step-By-Step Remote Hiring Process
Growth & CultureHelp Scout’s Step-By-Step Remote Hiring Process

Remote hiring is a different ball game. Follow this step-by-step remote hiring process to find the best workers for your distributed company

Building a Customer-Oriented Company: Strategies & Examples
Growth & CultureBuilding a Customer-Oriented Company: Strategies & Examples

Read about five examples of great customer-oriented companies, and learn what practices you can put in place to get better yourself.

10 Inspirational Customer Experience Examples
Growth & Culture10 Inspirational Customer Experience Examples

Customer experience examples often err on the side of the emotional and intense, but CX also needs to be baked into your strategies.

Customer Experience vs. Customer Success: Explained
Growth & CultureCustomer Experience vs. Customer Success: Explained

Learn the key differences between customer success and customer experience, and discover why both roles are vital for delighting customers.

Customer Success vs. Account Management: Why Both Matter
Growth & CultureCustomer Success vs. Account Management: Why Both Matter

Companies often pit customer success against account management, but they can work together to create the best customer experience possible.

How We Approach Employee Compensation at Help Scout
Growth & CultureHow We Approach Employee Compensation at Help Scout

Employee compensation is complicated, and can get messy without a good plan. Here's how to create (or improve) your compensation strategy.

5 Examples of Customer Success Marketing for SaaS Teams
Growth & Culture5 Examples of Customer Success Marketing for SaaS Teams

Understand what customer success marketing is and how it can benefit your business, plus get inspired by examples from 5 top SaaS companies.

4 Simple Tips for Crafting an Ideal B2B Customer Experience
Growth & Culture4 Simple Tips for Crafting an Ideal B2B Customer Experience

Every “B” in B2B is simply a collection of humans. Build a great experience for your customers with 4 simple B2B customer experience tips.

10 Simple Ways to Wow Your Customers Every Day
Growth & Culture10 Simple Ways to Wow Your Customers Every Day

Learning how to wow your customers can have a huge impact. Here are 10 ways your company can knock people’s socks off every day.

What Is Customer Happiness + 11 Ways to Inspire It
Growth & CultureWhat Is Customer Happiness + 11 Ways to Inspire It

Customer happiness contributes to your bottom line and other key business metrics, plus it feels good. This blog post explains how to do it well.

6 User Adoption Strategies for Growing SaaS Businesses
Growth & Culture6 User Adoption Strategies for Growing SaaS Businesses

Six user adoption strategies that SaaS companies can use to convert trial users into paying customers and improve long-term customer retention.

6 Customer Experience Books Every Founder Should Read
Growth & Culture6 Customer Experience Books Every Founder Should Read

This list of must-read customer experience books contains some classics, plus a few you might not see in the traditional best CX books lists

5 Effective Customer Loyalty Programs for Small Businesses
Growth & Culture5 Effective Customer Loyalty Programs for Small Businesses

All you need to know about the benefits of customer loyalty programs for small business + examples of 5 types of programs to consider.

CX Fitness: Conducting a Customer Experience Analysis
Growth & CultureCX Fitness: Conducting a Customer Experience Analysis

Consider these four questions and one call to action to conduct a customer experience analysis and get your company's CX into shape.

Creating a Customer Success Journey Map in 6 Steps
Growth & CultureCreating a Customer Success Journey Map in 6 Steps

A 6-step guide to creating a customer success journey map, plus how to use it to help customers achieve long-term success with your product.

6 Customer Centricity Examples To Use In Your Business
Growth & Culture6 Customer Centricity Examples To Use In Your Business

Keeping customers your #1 focus isn’t always easy. These 6 companies offer real-life customer centricity examples that will show you the way.

A Comprehensive Guide to Customer Satisfaction Score
Growth & CultureA Comprehensive Guide to Customer Satisfaction Score

Customer satisfaction score is an excellent baseline metric for customer experience. Learn why it’s important and how to use it effectively.

How To Use NPS to Measure Your Customer Experience
Growth & CultureHow To Use NPS to Measure Your Customer Experience

Learn more about Net Promoter Score and discover 7 best practices you can employ to use NPS as a tool for measuring your customer experience.

7 Foundational Customer Experience Best Practices
Growth & Culture7 Foundational Customer Experience Best Practices

A better customer experience leads to more loyal customers and more referrals. Here are the seven CX best practices you need to get there.

Creating a Customer Experience Team: 4 Questions to Ask
Growth & CultureCreating a Customer Experience Team: 4 Questions to Ask

Answer these four questions to create a customer experience team that's poised to deliver great experiences for every customer, every time.

A Founder’s Guide to Collecting and Utilizing User Feedback
Growth & CultureA Founder’s Guide to Collecting and Utilizing User Feedback

An introductory guide on how to collect user feedback: tools to use, questions to ask, and how to use feedback to build your product.

9 Key Aspects of a Stellar Customer Success Strategy
Growth & Culture9 Key Aspects of a Stellar Customer Success Strategy

Learn about the nine critical components of an effective customer success strategy and how you can implement them for your own business.

Where to Start When Building a Customer Success Team
Growth & CultureWhere to Start When Building a Customer Success Team

Customer success teams are the best way to ensure an excellent customer experience. Here's how and why you should build one for your company

How to Create a Customer Feedback Loop That Works
Growth & CultureHow to Create a Customer Feedback Loop That Works

Learn about the stages of creating a customer feedback loop and discover how you can use customer feedback to improve your business.

The Role of Customer Stickiness in Building Enduring Loyalty
Growth & CultureThe Role of Customer Stickiness in Building Enduring Loyalty

Learn what customer stickiness is and how SaaS businesses can both improve stickiness and transform it into enduring customer loyalty.

Customer Satisfaction: What It Is and 6 Ways to Boost It
Growth & CultureCustomer Satisfaction: What It Is and 6 Ways to Boost It

Customer satisfaction is the pulse beneath most key business metrics. Learn its importance, how to measure it, and six ways to improve it.

8 Key SaaS Customer Success Metrics & How to Measure Them
Growth & Culture8 Key SaaS Customer Success Metrics & How to Measure Them

Measure and improve your customers' ability to be successful with your product by tracking these 8 key SaaS customer success metrics.

How a Great Customer Experience Can Grow Your Bottom Line
Growth & CultureHow a Great Customer Experience Can Grow Your Bottom Line

Customer experience is a key brand differentiator for SaaS and ecommerce businesses. Here’s how to create a CX strategy and profit from it.

Customer Perception and How to Manage It Effectively
Growth & CultureCustomer Perception and How to Manage It Effectively

The way customers perceive your company is key to revenue growth. Learn more about customer perception and how to manage it in this detailed guide.

Customer Story: Materialesdefabrica.com
Growth & CultureCustomer Story: Materialesdefabrica.com

Materialesdefabrica.com has become one of the best ecommerce businesses in our sector by using Help Scout as the nexus of our operations. Here's how.

How to Improve Customer Loyalty With Customer Effort Score
Growth & CultureHow to Improve Customer Loyalty With Customer Effort Score

Use Customer Effort Score to see where you’re making things difficult for customers and learn how to improve your customer’s experience.

10 Techniques for Collecting Voice of the Customer Data
Growth & Culture10 Techniques for Collecting Voice of the Customer Data

Today’s most successful businesses understand their customers on a deeper level. How? Voice of the Customer data. Here are 10 ways to collect it.

How to Inspire, Measure, and Improve Customer Loyalty
Growth & CultureHow to Inspire, Measure, and Improve Customer Loyalty

Customer loyalty is key to reducing churn and increasing revenue for your online business. Here's everything you need to build loyalty.

A Founder’s Guide to Building a Customer-Focused Company
Growth & CultureA Founder’s Guide to Building a Customer-Focused Company

Customer focus results in loyal customers, strategic decision making, & company growth. Learn how to foster customer focus in your business.

How to Identify and Optimize Customer Experience Touchpoints
Growth & CultureHow to Identify and Optimize Customer Experience Touchpoints

Learn how to identify all of your customer touchpoints and optimize each of them for an improved overall customer experience.

A Complete Guide to Customer Acquisition for Startups
Growth & CultureA Complete Guide to Customer Acquisition for Startups

Learn how to define your audience, goals, and channels to build a customer acquisition strategy for your startup that gets results.

4 Meaningful Customer Satisfaction Metrics, Compared
Growth & Culture4 Meaningful Customer Satisfaction Metrics, Compared

Discover and compare four customer satisfaction metrics you can use to measure customer satisfaction in a meaningful way.

Understanding Consumer Behavior to Convert More Customers
Growth & CultureUnderstanding Consumer Behavior to Convert More Customers

Learn how customers buy with these 10 consumer behavior studies to help enhance your persuasion, influence, and marketing efforts.

The List Building Strategies That Grew 251,000 Subscribers
Growth & CultureThe List Building Strategies That Grew 251,000 Subscribers

Discover list-building techniques to build a massive list of engaged subscribers and turn your newsletter into a conversation machine.

How Help Scout Mitigates Unconscious Bias in Hiring
Growth & CultureHow Help Scout Mitigates Unconscious Bias in Hiring

If it’s human nature to look for clues, patterns, and data to make decisions, how can we recognize unconscious bias to mitigate it when hiring?

6 Proven Strategies for Building a Customer-Centric Company
Growth & Culture6 Proven Strategies for Building a Customer-Centric Company

Customer centricity is a catalyst for growth and a competitive differentiator. Adopt these 6 strategies to build a customer-centric business

How to Build a Winning Customer-Centric Marketing Strategy
Growth & CultureHow to Build a Winning Customer-Centric Marketing Strategy

Customer-centric marketing helps you grow by giving customers exactly what they want. Here are the steps to take to get started on your strategy.

5 Practical Ways to Automate Ecommerce Customer Service
Growth & Culture5 Practical Ways to Automate Ecommerce Customer Service

Discover 5 practical ways ecommerce companies can consistently deliver a better customer experience using simple help desk automations.

Guide to Customer Relations: Definition, Benefits, and Tips
Growth & CultureGuide to Customer Relations: Definition, Benefits, and Tips

A strong customer relations strategy underpins sustainable growth. Once you know the facts, it’s hard not to put these relationships first

Customer Appreciation Ideas: 17 Ways to Thank Customers
Growth & CultureCustomer Appreciation Ideas: 17 Ways to Thank Customers

Learn what customer appreciation is, why it's important, and discover 17 memorable and inexpensive ways to appreciate your customers.

What Is Customer Retention + 16 Proven Retention Strategies
Growth & CultureWhat Is Customer Retention + 16 Proven Retention Strategies

Improve customer loyalty with this list of 16 customer retention strategies that are backed by academic research and case studies on consumer behavior.

7 Retention Marketing Strategies for Ecommerce Merchants
Growth & Culture7 Retention Marketing Strategies for Ecommerce Merchants

Looking to improve the customer retention rates for your online store? Adopt these seven simple ecommerce retention marketing strategies.

An Overview of NPS for Customer Service Teams
Growth & CultureAn Overview of NPS for Customer Service Teams

Learn the basics of NPS for customer service teams: How to measure it, how to use it, and tips on how support teams can increase NPS.

8 Strategies to Skyrocket Ecommerce Customer Loyalty
Growth & Culture8 Strategies to Skyrocket Ecommerce Customer Loyalty

If you’re serious about keeping customers for the long haul, use these eight proven strategies to build customer loyalty for your ecommerce store.

Remote Employees Shouldn’t Be Paid Less Based on Geography
Growth & CultureRemote Employees Shouldn’t Be Paid Less Based on Geography

A best practice has emerged among remote companies: variable pay based on the employee’s geographic location. But I believe it’s the wrong approach.

How to Write a Value Proposition (+ 6 Modern Examples)
Growth & CultureHow to Write a Value Proposition (+ 6 Modern Examples)

We’ve demystified how to write a value proposition so you can ensure that your hard work manifests in value for your customers.

Live Event
Weathering the Economic Storm of COVID-19
Growth & CultureWeathering the Economic Storm of COVID-19

Join us for a live discussion with Help Scout’s CFO and leadership team about getting your business through the turbulent economic times of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Customer Satisfaction Surveys: A Comprehensive Guide
Growth & CultureCustomer Satisfaction Surveys: A Comprehensive Guide

Done right, customer satisfaction surveys can increase revenue, boost loyalty, and lower churn. We share everything you need to know to get it right.

7 Best Practices for Effective Ecommerce Customer Service
Growth & Culture7 Best Practices for Effective Ecommerce Customer Service

Implementing these seven highly efficient ecommerce customer service best practices can help you retain customers and grow LTV.

A Retreat Apart: Planning Help Scout’s First Ever Remote Retreat
Growth & CultureA Retreat Apart: Planning Help Scout’s First Ever Remote Retreat

In the midst of a pandemic, we had to cancel our in-person company retreat. Here's what we did to quickly transition to having a remote retreat instead.

Live Event
Building Exceptional Teams and Culture in a Pandemic: Live Q&A
Growth & CultureBuilding Exceptional Teams and Culture in a Pandemic: Live Q&A

Join us for a live discussion with Help Scout’s People Operations leadership about getting your team through the turbulent times of the COVID-19 pandemic.

DEI at Help Scout: Fall 2019 Update
Growth & CultureDEI at Help Scout: Fall 2019 Update

A look at the progress we've made since reporting on D&I efforts at Help Scout six months ago.

The Secret Art of Delegation
Growth & CultureThe Secret Art of Delegation

Learning how to delegate effectively — whether you’re delegating tasks, responsibilities, or decisions — is an important skill set at work.

Delivering Personalized, Human-Centered Customer Support
Growth & CultureDelivering Personalized, Human-Centered Customer Support

A Detailed Guide to Remote Employee Onboarding
Growth & CultureA Detailed Guide to Remote Employee Onboarding

Employee onboarding affects new hires and your team, so getting it right the first time pays dividends for your company right from the start.

Writing the Perfect Customer Thank-You Note (+ Examples)
Growth & CultureWriting the Perfect Customer Thank-You Note (+ Examples)

Sending handwritten thank-you notes is a great way to establish a personal connection with your customers. Here’s everything to get started.

Customer Feedback: Why It’s Important + 7 Ways to Collect It
Growth & CultureCustomer Feedback: Why It’s Important + 7 Ways to Collect It

Customer feedback helps companies understand the experiences and needs of their community. Here are ways to collect your customers’ insights

Color Psychology in Marketing and Branding is All About Context
Growth & CultureColor Psychology in Marketing and Branding is All About Context

Color psychology in marketing and branding is more complex than “green conveys calm.” Consider these studies to make better decisions.

The 5 Key Principles of Customer-Centric Selling
Growth & CultureThe 5 Key Principles of Customer-Centric Selling

Building a successful customer centric selling approach means incorporating key principles to ensure your sales team is aligned and set up for success.

27 Company Retreat Ideas Your Team Will Actually Enjoy
Growth & Culture27 Company Retreat Ideas Your Team Will Actually Enjoy

Make your team time inspirational, energizing and fun with these 27 company retreat ideas your team will be sure to talk about all year.

How to Plan a Fun and Productive Company Retreat
Growth & CultureHow to Plan a Fun and Productive Company Retreat

Planning a company retreat takes more work than you’d think. From choosing a location to putting together an agenda, here’s what the process looks like.

ARPA: A Framework Alternative to the RACI Model
Growth & CultureARPA: A Framework Alternative to the RACI Model

The RACI Matrix makes sense, but it has a few fundamental flaws. ARPA is Help Scout’s alternative to the RACI model.

9 Principles For Starting a Successful Side Hustle
Growth & Culture9 Principles For Starting a Successful Side Hustle

Discover the uniting principles that helped these 12 customer support pros launch and run their side projects.

How to Support Working Parents
Growth & CultureHow to Support Working Parents

Creating a safe space for working parents to be successful in the workplace leads to undeniable benefits for families, and for your business.

How to Communicate Ideas Effectively
Growth & CultureHow to Communicate Ideas Effectively

Learn how to communicate ideas effectively in both professional and personal settings to avoid miscommunications, save time, and bring the best ideas to life as a team.

DEI at Help Scout: Spring 2019 Update
Growth & CultureDEI at Help Scout: Spring 2019 Update

Our third annual employee survey shows where we’re starting to see positive change take place, as well as the challenges we still face.

The Impact and Value of Taking a Sabbatical from Work
Growth & CultureThe Impact and Value of Taking a Sabbatical from Work

I decided to take a sabbatical from work — here’s what I learned, along with the impact it had on our company.

8 Internal Communication Tools to Boost Collaboration
Growth & Culture8 Internal Communication Tools to Boost Collaboration

Communication in the workplace is one of the most important factors in the development, growth, and success of companies. Learn about 8 internal communication tools to boost your team’s collaboration.

The Skills You Need for a Support-Driven Growth Role
Growth & CultureThe Skills You Need for a Support-Driven Growth Role

What Remote Companies Can Teach About Asynchronous Communication
Growth & CultureWhat Remote Companies Can Teach About Asynchronous Communication

Asynchronous communication is something remote teams have had to solve for in ways that traditional, co-located companies are still learning.

Sales as a Service
Growth & CultureSales as a Service

‘Sales as a service’ doesn’t stop with being consultative — it means acting as a trusted advisor throughout the buyer’s journey.

6 Steps to Recruiting Like a Human
Growth & Culture6 Steps to Recruiting Like a Human

Recruiting is broken. It’s time for a refresher course in humanity.

The Business Case for Support-Driven Growth
Growth & CultureThe Business Case for Support-Driven Growth

Support-Driven Growth can make serious financial sense for businesses who value their customers and customer service teams.

6 Tips for How to Collaborate on Remote Design Teams
Growth & Culture6 Tips for How to Collaborate on Remote Design Teams

Remote designers face unique challenges and rewards. Here’s what we’ve found works for our distributed design team.

Getting Started with Support-Driven Growth
Growth & CultureGetting Started with Support-Driven Growth

Support-driven growth is a new and exciting business approach aimed at driving revenue and elevating customer support teams for more impactful work.

DEI at Help Scout: 2018 Update
Growth & CultureDEI at Help Scout: 2018 Update

A look at the progress we’ve made since first reporting on Diversity and Inclusion efforts at Help Scout one year ago

Everything You Need to Know About Implementing a Price Increase
Growth & CultureEverything You Need to Know About Implementing a Price Increase

Price increases need to be handled with care. Here’s how (and how not!) to communicate with customers when you need to raise your prices.

How to Stand Out in a Crowded Market
Growth & CultureHow to Stand Out in a Crowded Market

The way to stand out from the competition in a crowded market is to tailor your offerings to an underserved segment — here’s how.

Customer Service vs. Customer Experience: Explained
Growth & CultureCustomer Service vs. Customer Experience: Explained

The terms customer service and customer experience are often confused or used interchangeably. They’re not the same thing, but they are related.

Customer Support vs. Customer Success: Explained
Growth & CultureCustomer Support vs. Customer Success: Explained

Customer Support and Customer Success teams share similar skill sets and goals, but they use different approaches.

9 Ways to Foster Diversity and Inclusion at Work
Growth & Culture9 Ways to Foster Diversity and Inclusion at Work

You can help foster diversity and inclusion (D&I) in the workplace — no matter what your role is.

How to Deal With Cheap Customers
Growth & CultureHow to Deal With Cheap Customers

Cheap customers aren’t sale-chasers; they just feel more buying pain. Here’s how to get “cheap” customers to spend more by minimizing that buying pain.

Learn How to Negotiate with these 12 Tactics for Successful Negotiations
Growth & CultureLearn How to Negotiate with these 12 Tactics for Successful Negotiations

Negotiation is fundamentally about human interaction.

How to Build a Great Remote Company Culture
Growth & CultureHow to Build a Great Remote Company Culture

Choosing a remote company culture gives us a considerable advantage that you can’t buy: We have access to people most companies don’t.

11 Strategies to Maintain Customer Intimacy at Scale
Growth & Culture11 Strategies to Maintain Customer Intimacy at Scale

Customer intimacy is a two-way connection, and these days you can’t scale your business without fostering it.

9 Experiential Marketing Examples from Highly Creative Companies
Growth & Culture9 Experiential Marketing Examples from Highly Creative Companies

What is experiential marketing? Check out these 9 examples from highly creative companies.

Live Event
The Art of Customer Loyalty in a Subscription Business
Growth & CultureThe Art of Customer Loyalty in a Subscription Business

Krista Atwell, Senior Customer Engagement Manager at Dollar Shave Club, and Mat Patterson, Customer Service Evangelist at Help Scout, discuss customer loyalty tactics and best practices for creating return customers.

5 Ways Your Small Business Can Impress First-Time Customers
Growth & Culture5 Ways Your Small Business Can Impress First-Time Customers

Is your small business providing an exceptional experience to new customers? If not, it should be. Here’s how.

Customer Service + Marketing = Improved Customer Experience
Growth & CultureCustomer Service + Marketing = Improved Customer Experience

Marketing and customer service teams can improve the customer experience (CX) by rejecting the silo mentality and working together. Here’s how.

Flexible Working is a Win-Win for Employees and Companies Alike
Growth & CultureFlexible Working is a Win-Win for Employees and Companies Alike

Flexible working arrangements benefit companies and their employees. So why isn’t everyone doing it yet?

6 Tips to Keeping Your Remote Team Connected
Growth & Culture6 Tips to Keeping Your Remote Team Connected

For co-located companies, closeness happens almost organically over lunch, coffee breaks or a cheeky beer after work. But how does this translate to a remote team? Here are 6 tips to keeping your remote team connected.

How (and Why) to Respond to Positive Online Reviews
Growth & CultureHow (and Why) to Respond to Positive Online Reviews

Responding to online customer reviews on sites like Yelp isn’t just the nice thing to do — it’s a solid business practice. Here’s why (and how).

How to Write Conclusions That Don’t Suck
Growth & CultureHow to Write Conclusions That Don’t Suck

Conclusions are tricky, and there’s a lot of conflicting advice about how to write them. Here’s how to write a powerful conclusion that resonates with the reader.

6 Steps to Creating a Customer-Centric Culture
Growth & Culture6 Steps to Creating a Customer-Centric Culture

Having highly skilled customer service staff is not enough to succeed. Here's how to build a company wide culture of service.

Live Event
How to Use Customer Service to Stand Out from the Competition
Growth & CultureHow to Use Customer Service to Stand Out from the Competition

Learn how to build a successful support-driven business.

How to Turn Negative Yelp Reviews Into New Customers
Growth & CultureHow to Turn Negative Yelp Reviews Into New Customers

Use negative Yelp reviews for customer acquisition by responding with sincerity, honesty and warmth.

Ecommerce Companies Use Multiple Instances to Manage Different Customer Groups
Growth & CultureEcommerce Companies Use Multiple Instances to Manage Different Customer Groups

These 4 ecommerce companies use Help Scout’s multiple instance feature to provide a personalized experience for different groups of customers.

10 Lessons We Learned About Telling Customer Stories
Growth & Culture10 Lessons We Learned About Telling Customer Stories

Your company may be sharing case studies, testimonials, and customer success stories — but are you doing it in a way that’s actually engaging?

How Building a Community Can Supercharge Your Customer Service
Growth & CultureHow Building a Community Can Supercharge Your Customer Service

Brand communities are helping companies supercharge their customer service with insights into customer needs, expectations and desires.

How to Handle Conflict on Remote Teams
Growth & CultureHow to Handle Conflict on Remote Teams

Conflict resolution is an important skill, especially on remote teams when in-person context isn’t possible.

DEI at Help Scout: 2017 Update
Growth & CultureDEI at Help Scout: 2017 Update

The steps Help Scout has taken to climb out of diversity debt, and the goals we’re setting to reflect a more representative balance across multiple axes of diversity

Customer Acquisition vs. Customer Satisfaction
Growth & CultureCustomer Acquisition vs. Customer Satisfaction

Customer acquisition versus customer satisfaction: What’s the more important goal? Turns out, they’re two sides of the same coin.

How Our Remote Team Stays Aligned With Town Hall Meetings
Growth & CultureHow Our Remote Team Stays Aligned With Town Hall Meetings

Remote team meetings keep virtual teams aligned. Here’s how our whole-company virtual meetings keep our team rowing in the same direction.

6 Questions to Ask Before You Email Your Customers
Growth & Culture6 Questions to Ask Before You Email Your Customers

Don’t send another customer email without reading these 6 questions that’ll help you write emails customers love.

4 Easy and Effective Ways to Invest in Your Customers
Growth & Culture4 Easy and Effective Ways to Invest in Your Customers

Fostering an environment where customers feel loyal to you and your business is a wise investment in the future of your company.

The Psychology Behind the Perfect Customer Interview
Growth & CultureThe Psychology Behind the Perfect Customer Interview

Customer interviews are the fastest, most effective way to understand what your customers really need. Here’s your roadmap.

How to Work a 40-Hour Week
Growth & CultureHow to Work a 40-Hour Week

Does a 40-hour work week feel out of reach? It doesn’t have to be, when you develop a system and hold yourself accountable.

How to Build a Great Business
Growth & CultureHow to Build a Great Business

5 things your company needs to be great, plus a sneaky sixth tactic that will make your company last from Help Scout CEO, Nick Francis.

Building a Community Around Your Business
Growth & CultureBuilding a Community Around Your Business

What is the value of community and what separates it from social, support, and other roles? Interview with Sarah Judd Welch of Loyal.

The Surprising Reality of Side Hustles: They're Good for Business
Growth & CultureThe Surprising Reality of Side Hustles: They're Good for Business

Side hustles don't distract employees; they actually make them happier and better at their jobs.

How to Use Storytelling to Connect with Your Customers
Growth & CultureHow to Use Storytelling to Connect with Your Customers

Bring storytelling into your customer service and marketing to create stronger, more genuine connections with your customers

Great Content Is Still the Biggest Hurdle
Growth & CultureGreat Content Is Still the Biggest Hurdle

These creative writing techniques will help you solve one of publishing’s biggest hurdles — consistent quality.

Aligning Sales and Support for Long-Term Growth
Growth & CultureAligning Sales and Support for Long-Term Growth

When sales and customer service work together, they succeed by giving the customer a better experience.

How to Make the Most of Your Customer Testimonials
Growth & CultureHow to Make the Most of Your Customer Testimonials

Bland customer testimonials always go bust. Here's how to get great quotes from your customers.

How We Use Video to Build Remote Culture
Growth & CultureHow We Use Video to Build Remote Culture

Team building activities can often feel forced, but video is a surprisingly easy way to strengthen company culture and have fun.

Relationship Marketing: The Value of Marketing to Current Customers
Growth & CultureRelationship Marketing: The Value of Marketing to Current Customers

Relationship marketing is customer marketing strategy that emphasizes retention, loyalty, satisfaction, and lifetime customer value.

Illustrations Are More Than Digital Eye Candy
Growth & CultureIllustrations Are More Than Digital Eye Candy

Best practices for creating digital illustrations that reflect your brand identity.

A Brief Guide to Better 1:1’s—For Makers and Managers Alike
Growth & CultureA Brief Guide to Better 1:1’s—For Makers and Managers Alike

One on one meetings are key to getting feedback, sharing concerns, and connecting with your colleagues. Here's how to run a great one on one meeting.

The 25 Best Entrepreneur Books on Marketing, Sales, and Support
Growth & CultureThe 25 Best Entrepreneur Books on Marketing, Sales, and Support

We compiled the 25 best books for entrepreneurs on marketing, sales, and customer service. Each book is a must-read for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Have the 4P's of Marketing Become Outdated?
Growth & CultureHave the 4P's of Marketing Become Outdated?

The 4P's of marketing have been used by marketers around the world for decades. But for B2B businesses, they may now be outdated.

Support, Sales, and Marketing Need to Work in Harmony
Growth & CultureSupport, Sales, and Marketing Need to Work in Harmony

Three ways to get your support, sales, and marketing teams working together effectively.

Organizing Teams With Players and Coaches
Growth & CultureOrganizing Teams With Players and Coaches

Effective teams are built upon two types of leadership, domain leadership (players) and people leadership (coaches).

Upselling in a Customer-First Company
Growth & CultureUpselling in a Customer-First Company

When you optimize for customer success, upselling is ethical and revenue is a byproduct. Here’s how we approach sales at Help Scout.

10 Timeless Pricing Strategies to Increase Sales
Growth & Culture10 Timeless Pricing Strategies to Increase Sales

Learn about 10 pricing strategies based on the science of consumer behavior for inspiration and insight on how to effectively set your prices.

Org Structure Is All in the Execution
Growth & CultureOrg Structure Is All in the Execution

Is it better to be flat and manager-free, or traditional and hierarchical? Instead, ask which organizational structure works best for your particular company.

How Remote Teams Are Becoming the Future of Work
Growth & CultureHow Remote Teams Are Becoming the Future of Work

In many ways, virtual teams are an ongoing experiment. But they could soon eliminate the need for offices and become the standard.

The Psychological Benefits of Writing
Growth & CultureThe Psychological Benefits of Writing

What are the psychological benefits of making writing a regular habit? We took a look at the research.

When Being Nice Isn’t Being Kind
Growth & CultureWhen Being Nice Isn’t Being Kind

“Just be nice” is emotionally resonant but nutritionally shallow advice. The reality is much more complicated.

What Really Matters Can’t Be Measured
Growth & CultureWhat Really Matters Can’t Be Measured

Many traits that make a business great can’t be traced to a dollar, and that’s okay. What really matters can’t always be measured.

7 Ways to Engage Far-Flung Team Members
Growth & Culture7 Ways to Engage Far-Flung Team Members

Don't let long-distance remote workers in different time zones feel like anything less than full members of the team.

How We Replaced Our Weekly All-Hands Meeting with Video
Growth & CultureHow We Replaced Our Weekly All-Hands Meeting with Video

Weekly videos are a fun, easier-than-you-think alternative to all-hands meetings and boring email updates. Here’s how Help Scout does it.

How to Sabotage Any Meeting
Growth & CultureHow to Sabotage Any Meeting

Here are the telltale signs of a meeting that has gone completely off the rails.

Why Water Cooler Talk Matters More Than You Think
Growth & CultureWhy Water Cooler Talk Matters More Than You Think

When you invest in ways to build social capital within your team, you can generate momentum and boost productivity throughout the entire company.

What We Learned Telling Customers’ Stories
Growth & CultureWhat We Learned Telling Customers’ Stories

An inside look into our Customer Spotlight project.

How Writing Regularly Can Improve Your Creativity and Clarity
Growth & CultureHow Writing Regularly Can Improve Your Creativity and Clarity

A habit of writing often can help enrich your life personally and professionally.

Building a Newsletter Welcome Series from Scratch
Growth & CultureBuilding a Newsletter Welcome Series from Scratch

Here's how we built our blog email nurture track welcome series.

Improve Free Trial Conversion Rates by Getting to Know Your Customers
Growth & CultureImprove Free Trial Conversion Rates by Getting to Know Your Customers

Improve your company's conversion rates by offering new users a free trial.

Silence Is a Noxious Gas
Growth & CultureSilence Is a Noxious Gas

Make communication a priority, especially when you're on a remote team.

Letting Your Customers Speak for You
Growth & CultureLetting Your Customers Speak for You

Here's how to tell compelling customer stories.

How to Write with Substance
Growth & CultureHow to Write with Substance

Clarity is the goal when writing to convey meaning to your reader.

Keeping Our Overachiever Culture
Growth & CultureKeeping Our Overachiever Culture

All successful businesses start with overachieving founders. As a team grows, roles become more specialized and redundant. Learn how we keep our overachiever culture as the company grows.

What You Gain With a Growth Team
Growth & CultureWhat You Gain With a Growth Team

A growth team helps optimize this curve. Indeed, “helps” may be too weak of a word as hiring for growth continues to solve increasingly ubiquitous problems.

Why Businesses Have a Hard Time Fixing What’s Broken
Growth & CultureWhy Businesses Have a Hard Time Fixing What’s Broken

Businesses that thrive are able to honor and understand the need to adapt when feedback exposes their flaws.

Overcoming Common Customer Objections
Growth & CultureOvercoming Common Customer Objections

Customer objections are best overcome by creating an Objections Doc, which lists the most common reasons customers push back.

Must Reads for Leaders: 10 Invaluable Books for Moving Hearts and Minds
Growth & CultureMust Reads for Leaders: 10 Invaluable Books for Moving Hearts and Minds

Books are training weights for the mind. Here are 10 timeless and helpful leadership books to buy.

How the American Red Cross Redesigned the Experience of Donating Blood
Growth & CultureHow the American Red Cross Redesigned the Experience of Donating Blood

Figuring out what others truly need is what leads to the most significant innovations.

The Lost Art of Candor in the Workplace
Growth & CultureThe Lost Art of Candor in the Workplace

Cultivating candor requires a delicate balance. Teams must carefully tread the line between “brutally honest” and “necessarily honest.”

How Backcountry Creates an Exceptional Customer Experience
Growth & CultureHow Backcountry Creates an Exceptional Customer Experience

Backcountry concentrates on 5 fundamental markers to drive their incredible customer experience. Here's how to apply them to your own business.

25 Underrated Books on Persuasion, Influence, and Understanding Human Behavior
Growth & Culture25 Underrated Books on Persuasion, Influence, and Understanding Human Behavior

Looking for some new reads you haven't already seen on every list? Here are 25 underrated suggestions you should know about.

10 Must-See Videos from Stanford Business School
Growth & Culture10 Must-See Videos from Stanford Business School

Every entrepreneur can benefit from these 10 videos of leaders doling out straightforward advice.

How Disney Creates Magical Experiences (and a 70% Return Rate)
Growth & CultureHow Disney Creates Magical Experiences (and a 70% Return Rate)

How Disney's customer experience inspires so many of its customers to come back

Why Chipotle’s Customer Experience is Trouncing the Competition
Growth & CultureWhy Chipotle’s Customer Experience is Trouncing the Competition

Chipotle owes much of its growth to the dedication they place on having a superior customer experience.

Don't Let Growth Hacking Ruin the Customer Experience
Growth & CultureDon't Let Growth Hacking Ruin the Customer Experience

Growth hacking, the term we all have come to know in the past few years, has made this an issue that needs discussing. Juking the stats at the expense of the customer experience will sabotage long term growth in any business.

Features Tell, But Benefits Sell
Growth & CultureFeatures Tell, But Benefits Sell

Founders and marketers must go beyond selling products, and instead sell what their product will allow customers to do.

Giving Your Customers a Peek Behind the Curtain
Growth & CultureGiving Your Customers a Peek Behind the Curtain

Learn about the essence of “behind the scenes” marketing, and how peeking behind the curtains can be so enticing to prospective customers.

How to Build a Brand that Wins Over Customers’ Hearts and Wallets
Growth & CultureHow to Build a Brand that Wins Over Customers’ Hearts and Wallets

Advice and examples for how to build a brand people love, one customer at a time.

A Scientific Take on Viral Marketing
Growth & CultureA Scientific Take on Viral Marketing

Take a look at these examples of viral marketing to see what lessons can be had from campaigns that managed to spread far and wide.

The Happy Warrior: Research Reveals What Makes a Successful Leader
Growth & CultureThe Happy Warrior: Research Reveals What Makes a Successful Leader

Here's what established research says about what it takes to inspire, motivate, and manage an exceptional team.

10 Academic Insights on Building and Managing an Exceptional Team
Growth & Culture10 Academic Insights on Building and Managing an Exceptional Team

Look at 10 of the best studies available to learn what practical things you can do to ensure your team is set up for success.

Creating a Unique Selling Proposition that Stands Out
Growth & CultureCreating a Unique Selling Proposition that Stands Out

A strong unique selling proposition helps you to stand apart from competitors and attract attention the right way.

10 Proven Ways to Build a Website that Customers Will Love
Growth & Culture10 Proven Ways to Build a Website that Customers Will Love

Read about these 10 proven strategies for building a website that customers will love to use ... and buy from.

Customer Profiles: A Smarter Way to Reach Your Customers
Growth & CultureCustomer Profiles: A Smarter Way to Reach Your Customers

Personas give you a structured look at your customer's goals in trying your product and the messaging that will help them find you.

Why Steve Jobs Didn't Listen to His Customers
Growth & CultureWhy Steve Jobs Didn't Listen to His Customers

Compare the merits of focusing on internal innovation to the insights to be gained from customer feedback.

How to Take Charge of Your Churn Rate
Growth & CultureHow to Take Charge of Your Churn Rate

Your churn rate, or proportion of customers who leave during a given time period, tells you a lot about retention and customer loyalty.

5 Things Your Customers Can Do Better than You
Growth & Culture5 Things Your Customers Can Do Better than You

Check out these 5 things that your customers can often do much better than you.

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